In today’s world, investment has carved out its place in the list of our basic needs. With an endless gamut of investment options, time and again, Derivatives are vital for the financial system as they help to hedge against the risk and also provide you with an opportunity to profit from the anomalies in the market.
Ganpati provides you with an opportunity to avail of numerous benefits of trading in derivatives. This includes, researched trading ideas, hedging and arbitrage strategies, strong risk management of leveraged positions and countless others.
Our Derivative Market segment has a composite understanding of the equity and derivatives market that is vividly reflected in our unique and effective Trading / Hedging / Arbitrage strategies.
At Ganpati, we provide quality services whose functions span beyond mere execution of buying and selling. Our extensive research helps you assimilate massive amount of information regarding trends in the economy, the markets, trends of specific industries and/or individual companies. This treasure trove of information will help you, as an investor, in your investments or in undertaking any investment decisions.
Our sole purpose is to assist you, the investor, to make deliberate and calculated decisions that will match your personal needs with suitable investment alternatives.
Ganpati helps you identify the opportunities in market and make money out of them.
Trading with us is now as simple as baking an apple pie. You merely have to open an account with Ganpati and then trade in any of the following 2 ways:
• Call-n-Trade (for online trading clients)
Contact or visit your nearest Ganpati branch office to place your orders.